The consortium of ACHIEF is composed of 11 partners from 6 European countries and Turkey.

CEA is the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives).
Leader in research, development and innovation, CEA is active in four main areas: low-carbon energies, defense and security, information technologies and health technologies. In each of these fields, CEA maintains a cross-disciplinary culture of engineers and researchers, building on the synergies between fundamental and technological research. The CEA is involved in the project through its LITEN (Laboratory for Innovation in New Energy Technologies and Nanomaterials).
Main tasks and responsibilities
CEA is in charge of the global coordination of ACHIEF. It is also the leader for work package 3. CEA will carry out the design, fabrication and lab scale testing in relevant environments of PDC coatings for the main chosen applications. CEA takes part in WP2, WP4, WP7 and WP9.

Located in the Northwest of Spain, AIMEN Technology Centre is a highly professionalized organization with over 240 employees specialized in Materials Science, Process Engineering, Automation, and Laser Processing.
AIMEN is a non-profit private research association with more than 100 industrial members, established to increase the technological competence in the manufacturing industry, through the following activities:
- R&D+i projects,
- Monitoring technology evolution,
- Acquire and develop emergent technologies,
- Promote technology innovation in the companies.
Main tasks and responsibilities
Aimen is the leader of WP4 which objective is to develop and produce advanced HEAs by using selected powder compositions designed in WP2 and through the laser-based manufacturing processes: laser Cladding and Laser Metal Deposition. In addition, Aimen participates in WP1, WP2, WP6, WP6, WP7, WP8 and WP9.

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is a state owned and controlled non-profit limited liability company established by law. It operates under the ownership steering of the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy.
VTT is an RTO , its activities focuses on three areas:
- Knowledge intensive products and services,
- Smart industry and energy systems,
- Solutions for natural resources and environment.
Main tasks and responsibilities
VTT is the leader of WP2 that is dedicated to the elaboration of the Integrated Artificial Intelligence-aided Materials Toolbox to design the four types of materials. VTT contributes to WP1, WP4, WP8 and WP9.

TECNALIA RESEARCH & INNOVATION is a private, independent, non-profit applied research center of international excellence. Legally a Foundation, Tecnalia is the leading private and independent research and technology organization in Spain and one of the largest in Europe.
Tecnalia has one goal: to transform knowledge into GDP, meaning wealth to improve people’s quality of life by generating business opportunities for industry. Tecnalia is committed to generate major impacts in economic terms, by means of innovation and technological development, addressed by six business divisions covering the economic sectors of Energy, Environment, Industry, Transport, Construction, Health and ICT.
Main tasks and responsibilities
Tecnalia leads WP5, its goal is to develop novel Cr-steel grade with improved creep resistance properties. Tecnalia is also the leader of WP9, in which the strategy for exploitation of ACHIEF’s results including a preliminary assessment of the business case of ACHIEF materials solutions and technologies will be defined. Additionally Tecnalia is involved in WP1, WP2, WP5, WP7 and WP8.

Constellium is a global leader designing and manufacturing innovative and high value-added aluminum products and solutions for a broad range of applications dedicated primarily to aerospace, automotive and packaging markets.
Constellium anticipates and responds to the fast-evolving market needs through its three business units:
- Aerospace and Transportation (A&T),
- Packaging and Automotive Rolled Products (P&ARP),
- Automotive Structures and Industry (AS&I)
Main tasks and responsibilities
Constellium is responsible of the coordination of WP7 that focuses on the validation of the novel designed and developed materials solutions and protective coatings and the demonstration of the materials improvement at pilot scale. Constellium contributes also to WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP8, and WP9.

ArcelorMittal Sestao is part of ArcelorMittal Group. It is the leader in all major global steel markets, including automotive, constructions, household appliances and packaging, with leading R&D and technology, as well as sizeable captive supplies of raw materials and outstanding distribution networks.
ArcelorMittal Sestao is a new generation steel plant that produces hot rolled steel coils and hot rolled pickled steel coils. It uses electric arc furnace (EAF) technology, with a high level of flexibility and a fast turnaround time, which enables to adapt to needs at any given time in a highly automated way and, furthermore, with very high levels of safety.
Main tasks and responsibilities
ArcelorMittal Sestao is one of the two steel use cases. It will provide industrial conditions in the tunnel furnace that transports and heats the slabs between the continuous casting machines to the rolling mill. ArcelorMittas Sestao is involved in WP1, WP2, WP4, WP7, WP8 and WP9.

With more than 120 years of expertise in the field, and with international presence, Tubos Reunidos, sited in Amurrio, in Spain, is the global leader in the industrial manufacture of hot-rolled and cold-drawn seamless carbon and alloy steel tubes up to 13% Cr., for oil and gas, chemical and petrochemical, power generation, heat transfer, automotive, mechanical and construction industries.
Main tasks and responsibilities
Tubos Reunidos contributes with product specifications and definition of strategies for exploring novel steel compositions and heat treatments. Equipped with facilities to apply thermo-mechanical treatments at pilot scale, Tubos Reunidos will participate to the industrial validation of the novel steel grades developed. Tubos Reunidos contributes to WP1, WP2, WP5, WP7, WP8 and WP9.

Seamthesis is a privately-owned R&D and Competence Center as well as Research and Technology Organization (RTO) and Innovative SME. Based in Italy, Seamthesis is highly specialized in metallic and non-metallic materials, fabrication processes and production technology, advanced characterization and performance assessment of products and systems, advanced modelling and complex simulation (AI-related, material-related) of processes and products.
Main tasks and responsibilities
Seamthesis participates in WP1, WP2, WP4, WP7, WP8 and WP9.

Türkiye Petrol Rafinerileri A.Ş.
Operating four oil refineries with a total of 30 million tons annual crude oil processing capacity, Tüpraş is the first producer in Turkey’s refining sector and largest industrial enterprise of the country.
The company operates with its subsidiary in sea transportation – Ditaş, its subsidiary in railway transportation – KUAŞ (Körfez Ulaştırma A.Ş.), its affiliate in fuel oil distribution sector – Opet and its subsidary in crude oil and oil products trading – Tüpraş Trading Ltd.
As Europe’s 7th largest refinery in terms of its turnover and the added value it creates, Tüpraş is one of the few refineries with a high complexity index in the Mediterranean, with an average Nelson Complexity Index of 9.5.
Main tasks and responsibilities
Tüpraş is the petrochemical use case of ACHIEF. It will demonstrate under refinery conditions the performance of the PDC coating developped in WP2. Tupras gets involved in WP1, WP2, WP3, WP6, WP7, WP8 and WP9.

PNO Innovation is specialized in Innovation Management and funding, providing support services to private and public organizations in Innovation processes, Technology Transfer, IT solutions and funding for research, development and innovation.
PNO is a European group, made up of a pool of around 400 professionals including scientists, engineers, consultants as well as financial and legal experts, with consolidated experience in innovation processes and funding in international working environments.
Main tasks and responsibilities
PNO leads the WP8 to define the appropriate strategies for dissemination and communication including the organization of knowledge transfer and training activities throughout the project. PNO is also engaged in WP1 and WP9.

ENGIONIC has been experienced in fiber optic assemblies and sensor development for 28 years. ENGIONIC offers a wide range of fiber optic products. This includes besides classic fiber optic products such as light guides, cross-section converters, vacuum feedthroughs, medical probes and fiber optic sensors for temperature and strain measurement.
In addition, ENGIONIC has many years of experience in the realization of customer-specific development projects. For high temperature applications, ENGIONIC has developed special high temperature gluing, soldering and welding technologies. In addition to this Loptek has developed special instruments with embedded high-temperature FBG sensors based on the FBG technology, including advanced packaging solutions for resistivity of the optical fibre up to 350ºC.
Main tasks and responsibilities
ENGIONIC will fabricate Temperature FBG sensors by inscribing the gratings in copper- and carbon- coated optical fibers by using an infrared femtosecond laser. The fs written FBG are a key feature of the FBG probes for the specific industrial environment due to the unique temperature stability. ENGIONIC contributes also to WP1, WP8 and WP9.